When Dealer Hits In Blackjack

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You have an option to add more blackjack cards by choosing 'hit', but you lose automatically if your value of cards exceeds 21. Step 5: click ‘stand' Click 'stand' when you are ready to play your hand. Step 6: learn the dealer's hand. The dealer will reveal his hidden blackjack card and must always hit. A total of 17 is not strong enough in blackjack where the average winning hand totals 18.5. A dealer who hits soft 17 is less susceptible to exceeding 21 and thus, losing because of the flexible value of the Ace. If a higher-ranking card is drawn, the dealer's Ace will count as 1. This practically makes it impossible for them to bust.

  • Overview

You will implement a fully functioning game of Blackjack. No prior knowledge of the game is needed. However, you will need to know what cards appear in a standard deck of playing cards. If you have any questions about how the game itself works you can ask your instructor or a classmate.

Blackjack (also called '21') is basically a game between an individual player and a dealer. There's a gambling side to the game that this project does not address. The project simply plays the game with the user as 'Player' and program as 'Dealer', and determines the winner and loser.

You will implement three successively more complicated programs, first to shuffle, then deal, and finally play a game of Blackjack. And if you want, you might also implement a little extra too!

As usual, while the topic of the project is a card game, this project is really about functions, program design, and arrays. Be sure to refer to what you learned in Unit 5, Unit 6, and the corresponding labs and homeworks.

When Dealer Hits In Blackjack

Tips for success

  • Make sure you follow the IC210 Style Guide. This means proper indentation, use of whitespace within lines of code, logical organization of chunks of code,

  • Make sure you do a good job of putting things in functions. One monolithic main function is not OK, even if it works!

    Casino floor map mandalay bay. The shoppes at mandalay place america bay essentials chapel hats elton's men's store flip flop shops guinness store karma and luck home store lick lush fresh handmade cosmetics 7 11 4 poker room race & sports book casino casino cashier crystal room 23 5 22 entertainment & lounges 3 house of blues b side lounge light nightclub michael.

  • Re-submit frequently, and definitely when you finish each part.

  • Start early! Remember 'Hofstadter's Law':

    It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.

    Not only is that true, it's also a recrusive joke!

  • A great quote from Brian Kernighan, co-author of 'the book' on C programming:

    Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are –– by definition –– not smart enough to debug it.


70% of your grade will be based on functionality (does your program work perfectly for each part). That includes the test cases that run automatically when you submit, and may include other testing as well. The other 30% will be based on coding style, which includes readability, documentation, and design/organization.

Late penalties will be the same as for project 1:

  • 5% bonus for 1 day early
  • 10% penalty for 1 day late
  • 40% penalty for 2 days late
  • no credit for 3+ days late

All of this is factored into your maximum score based on which part you have completed. Partial credit for partially-working parts will be quite stingy; you have time, so we expect your code to work!

Honor Policy Reminder

Be sure to review the course policy on collaboration for programming projects, which are more about the work you can do on your own and have different rules compared to homeworks and labs. In particular:

  • The only help you may receive on a project is from your instructor MGSP leaders for this class, and that help must be clearly cited. In turn, you cannot provide help to any other students on this project.
  • In no circumstance - project, homework or lab - may you copy code and submit it as your own work. That is the definition of plagiarism.
  • For projects, you may not look at other people's project code nor may you show your own code to others.
  • You can look at online resources for general purpose C programming, but not for help writing card games or anything else that is specific to the functionality required of your project.

If you have questions about any of these rules, email your instructor and ask about it. We know you want to do what's right and we are here to help you!

When Dealer Hits In Blackjack Poker

Write a program called shuffle.c that creates, shuffles, and prints out a deck of cards. A correct solution must store the integer representations of the 52 cards in an array, and only after that print the output. Otherwise its use in working towards the remaining steps of the project is limited.

Your program will start by asking the user for a seed value to use for the random number generator. (Look back at the Craps Lab for a refresher on how to use srand and rand from the library). The only exception is that if the user enters 0 as a seed value, do not call srand at all.

Your program them creates an array with 52 cards. For us, each card will be represented by a single integer in the following way:

  1. Represent suits by number according to these rules: 1 = ♣, 2 = ♦, 3 = ♥, 4 = ♠

  2. Represent face values by number according to these rules: 2 = 2, 3 = 3, …, 10 = 10, 11 = J(jack), 12 = Q(queen), 13 = K(king), 14 = A(ace)

  3. The number to represent a card should be

    so for example the jack of diamonds is number 211. You can reverse this and get the suit and face value from a card's number according to

Initially, the card numbers in your deck should be ordered numerically, which means it will start with the 2 of clubs up to the ace of clubs, then all the diamonds (in the same order), all the hearts, all the spades, and ending with the ace of spades.

You must use exactly the following method for your shuffling, remembering again not to shuffle at all if the user enters a seed value of 0:

(Note, this procedure is basically choosing the top card randomly, then the second-to-top card randomly from the 51 remaining, then the next from the 50 remaining, and so on.)

(Note, this is not a good enough shuffling algorithm for 'real' applications because it introduces a small amount of bias in the ordering, but this is what we're going to do to keep in simple.)

Our Unix terminal program understands 'UTF-8' character encodings, which is how we will print card suits to the screen. Each suit symbol is represented by a string. Here are the suits and the corresponding string for printing them in unicode.

Also notice that the face values of all cards are one character long, except for 10 which is two characters. So you should always print the card's face value right-justified to two spaces (meaning, add an extra space in front of every face value except for 10).

Here are some example runs for this part:

(Remember, seed 0 means no shuffling should occur, so the above cards are ordered from 102, the 2 of clubs, up to 414, the ace of spades.)

Blackjack Hands Chart

Start by copying your shuffle.c (which should work perfectly!) to a new file deal.c. You'll start in the same way, asking for a seed value and shuffling the deck, but then instead of printing out the deck you will deal cards to a Player and a Dealer as follows:

  • First each player gets two cards. Deal these cards in this order: first player, then dealer, then player's second card, then dealer's second card.

  • Next, repeatedly ask the player whether they would like to hit (h) or stand (s). As long as they ask to hit, deal the next card into the player's hand.

  • Next, deal two cards into the dealer's hand, one at a time. (As in, assume for now that the dealer 'hits' two times and then 'stands'.)

  • You must print out the player's and dealer's hands exactly as shown in the examples below, before each 'decision' to hit or stand.

  • Pause for dramatic effect after each time the dealer makes a decision to 'hit' by calling sleep(2) to pause the program for two seconds. This will require #include at the top of your program.

    Specifically, your program should pause just before it prints the dealer's decision as 'Dealer hits.' or 'Dealer stands.'.

    HINT: Your program needs to do the sleep(2) when you submit it, but that might be annoying while you are debugging! Feel free to use a variable so you can easily change between actually sleeping and not.

Casino free blackjack

Always deal cards from the top of the deck - which in our case means the end of the array. In other words, the last card that would have been printed by your shuffle program should be the first one that goes into the Player's hand.

You will probably want to store an array for the player's hand and for the dealer's hand, and write some nice functions so your main stays nice and simple…

Here are some example runs:

Start by copying your deal.c program (which should work perfectly at this point!) to a new file play.c. You will now complete what's necessary to play an actual game of Blackjack!

When Dealer Hits In Blackjack

The scoring for Blackjack mostly involves adding up the points in each player's hand. Whoever gets closer to 21 without going over wins. Going over 21 is called 'going bust' and it means you lose. The points per card are as follows:

When dealer hits in blackjack poker
  • 2 through 10 are worth the number of points as their face value says they are.
  • Jack, Queen, and King are always worth exactly 10 points.
  • Ace can be either 'high' for 11 points, or 'low' for 1 point. When calculating a hand's score, you first try making the first Ace count as 11, unless that would cause the total to go over 21 and 'bust'. If so, count the Aces as 1.

When Dealer Hits In Blackjack Games

So for example the points for the hand Q♠ 9♥ would be 19, pretty good. The points for 7♥ A♥ would be 18, since counting the Ace as 11 doesn't make it go over 21. But the points for 8♥ A♥ J♠ A♣ is 20, counting both aces as 1's.

Now that you understand the scoring rules, here's how your game should work:

  • Start by getting the seed value, shuffling, and dealing the first two cards to the player and the dealer just like before. Except, don't print out the dealer's second card, to keep the player guessing, until after the player's turn is over. You should still add it to the dealer's hand, but print it out as ** until the player's turn is over.

  • Before asking the player whether they want to hit or stand, first calculate the total points in their hand. If it's over 21, then print the message Player busts! and move on to the dealer. Otherwise let them keep hitting or standing until they go bust or decide to stand.

  • The dealer isn't allowed to make their own decisions. Instead, they follow three rules:

    1. If the player busted, the dealer should just stand.
    2. If the dealer has 17 or more points, the dealer stands.
    3. Otherwise, the dealer will take a hit.
  • Continue with the dealer's rules until the dealer busts or stands, each time pausing for dramatic effect with sleep(2) as before.

  • When both turns are over, print out the player's and the dealer's final score, and then print out who won. Remember, winning means that your opponent busted, or you got closer to 21 than they did.

  • In case of a tie game with neither player nor dealer busting, print the message 'Push! Play again.' and start a new game, continuing until either Player or Dealer wins.

    NOTE: Before starting the next game, you should get a fresh deck (in the same default order as you started), and then shuffle it again. But be sure to not call srand again, so that it is shuffled in a different order the second time around!

Here are some example runs of this version:

No credit will be given for this part until the rest works perfectly. Copy your program to a new file extra.c.

Believe it or not, there are still a number of aspects of the game of Blackjack as it's truly played, that we have failed to incorporate, such as:

  • Casinos usually combine 7 decks to deal from, to thwart card counters.
  • Each game should involve some betting. First, you have to ante a certain amount, say $5. After seeing thier two cards and the dealer's 1, the player can fold and lose their $5, or play at the cost of another $5. After playing normally, the player either loses all $10 to the dealer, or wins back their $10 plus an additional $10 if they win that hand. (In the case of a push, you get your money back.)
  • You might keep playing multiple games in a row, keeping track of your total winnings or losings.
  • Perhaps there could be multiple players?
  • Or some other feature I haven't thought of?

This part is open-ended! Improve your game by adding some of the functionality described above, or something else that you think of. (If it's not listed above, you probably want to run the idea by your instructor first.)

If you complete this part, be sure to document clearly in comments at the top of your extra.c program what your extra functionality is and how it works!

The entire game of blackjack is based around the two words 'Hit me'. All of the strategy and logic in the game comes down to whether or not you want to get another card added on top of your first two cards. Remember, the goal of blackjack is to either make the dealer bust, hit 21 yourself, or have a higher number than the dealer ends up with.

Most of the variance in the game comes from the idea of hitting or standing when you either get another card dealt to you, at risk of busting, or stay where you are, and risk the dealer beating you. This is a complex decision making process, and it's important to know how to approach it.

This page details all of the methods you can use to understand when to hit or stand, and at the end, you can find a chart explaining why. Casino poker rules texas holdemem 2nd high card. Let's jump right into it with a discussion of the dealer's up card and why that matters.

Knowing When To Hit Or Stand - The Dealer's Up Card

Understanding the implications of the dealer's up card is very important. Basically, you get to see one of the dealer's cards, and that allows you to make some guesses as to what number they are at, and what their decision making process will be. The higher the dealer's up card, the more likely the player is to want to hit, as a general rule. This is because, once again, the goal is to beat the dealer - to get the closest to 21 without going over. The card you see tells you a lot about the range of possibilities they could have. For example, if you see a 2, you know that their total is relatively low, and if you have a decent total, it could be correct to stand. That's the basics of understanding a dealer's up card, but there's so much more to understand what the process is behind choosing to stand.

When To Stand In Blackjack

The basic idea of when you want to stand in blackjack is when you have a pretty good idea that your total is pretty close to 21, you don't want to risk going over, and you want to put the onus on the dealer to beat your total. This tends to mean that you want to start seriously considering standing at around 17 total. The idea here is that, unless you can see an ace from the dealer, you're fairly likely to have more than them at this point, given the amount of times cards that are worth more than 7 appear in the deck. If you have 19, you're always standing, for example. You're likely to bust if you hit, and it's relatively hard to beat. The rules for this are fairly fluid so understand them well.

When To Hit In Blackjack

The basic idea behind when you want to hit in blackjack is twofold. First, you want to hit when you aren't in much danger of going over or busting. Second, you want to hit when you need to beat a decent dealer total. This means that if you have a middling hand, let's say 15, you'll want to stand if the dealer's face up card is fairly low, but hit if the dealer's face up card is higher. This is because you can extrapolate the range of possible outcomes from the dealer's face up card, and understand when you need to hit, and when you need to stand. There's a lot of math that goes into this, but you can play by intuition as well. Remember, the goal of the game is to beat the dealer without going over - and that's devilishly simple, but devilishly tricky as well.


Tips for success

  • Make sure you follow the IC210 Style Guide. This means proper indentation, use of whitespace within lines of code, logical organization of chunks of code,

  • Make sure you do a good job of putting things in functions. One monolithic main function is not OK, even if it works!

    Casino floor map mandalay bay. The shoppes at mandalay place america bay essentials chapel hats elton's men's store flip flop shops guinness store karma and luck home store lick lush fresh handmade cosmetics 7 11 4 poker room race & sports book casino casino cashier crystal room 23 5 22 entertainment & lounges 3 house of blues b side lounge light nightclub michael.

  • Re-submit frequently, and definitely when you finish each part.

  • Start early! Remember 'Hofstadter's Law':

    It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.

    Not only is that true, it's also a recrusive joke!

  • A great quote from Brian Kernighan, co-author of 'the book' on C programming:

    Debugging is twice as hard as writing the code in the first place. Therefore, if you write the code as cleverly as possible, you are –– by definition –– not smart enough to debug it.


70% of your grade will be based on functionality (does your program work perfectly for each part). That includes the test cases that run automatically when you submit, and may include other testing as well. The other 30% will be based on coding style, which includes readability, documentation, and design/organization.

Late penalties will be the same as for project 1:

  • 5% bonus for 1 day early
  • 10% penalty for 1 day late
  • 40% penalty for 2 days late
  • no credit for 3+ days late

All of this is factored into your maximum score based on which part you have completed. Partial credit for partially-working parts will be quite stingy; you have time, so we expect your code to work!

Honor Policy Reminder

Be sure to review the course policy on collaboration for programming projects, which are more about the work you can do on your own and have different rules compared to homeworks and labs. In particular:

  • The only help you may receive on a project is from your instructor MGSP leaders for this class, and that help must be clearly cited. In turn, you cannot provide help to any other students on this project.
  • In no circumstance - project, homework or lab - may you copy code and submit it as your own work. That is the definition of plagiarism.
  • For projects, you may not look at other people's project code nor may you show your own code to others.
  • You can look at online resources for general purpose C programming, but not for help writing card games or anything else that is specific to the functionality required of your project.

If you have questions about any of these rules, email your instructor and ask about it. We know you want to do what's right and we are here to help you!

When Dealer Hits In Blackjack Poker

Write a program called shuffle.c that creates, shuffles, and prints out a deck of cards. A correct solution must store the integer representations of the 52 cards in an array, and only after that print the output. Otherwise its use in working towards the remaining steps of the project is limited.

Your program will start by asking the user for a seed value to use for the random number generator. (Look back at the Craps Lab for a refresher on how to use srand and rand from the library). The only exception is that if the user enters 0 as a seed value, do not call srand at all.

Your program them creates an array with 52 cards. For us, each card will be represented by a single integer in the following way:

  1. Represent suits by number according to these rules: 1 = ♣, 2 = ♦, 3 = ♥, 4 = ♠

  2. Represent face values by number according to these rules: 2 = 2, 3 = 3, …, 10 = 10, 11 = J(jack), 12 = Q(queen), 13 = K(king), 14 = A(ace)

  3. The number to represent a card should be

    so for example the jack of diamonds is number 211. You can reverse this and get the suit and face value from a card's number according to

Initially, the card numbers in your deck should be ordered numerically, which means it will start with the 2 of clubs up to the ace of clubs, then all the diamonds (in the same order), all the hearts, all the spades, and ending with the ace of spades.

You must use exactly the following method for your shuffling, remembering again not to shuffle at all if the user enters a seed value of 0:

(Note, this procedure is basically choosing the top card randomly, then the second-to-top card randomly from the 51 remaining, then the next from the 50 remaining, and so on.)

(Note, this is not a good enough shuffling algorithm for 'real' applications because it introduces a small amount of bias in the ordering, but this is what we're going to do to keep in simple.)

Our Unix terminal program understands 'UTF-8' character encodings, which is how we will print card suits to the screen. Each suit symbol is represented by a string. Here are the suits and the corresponding string for printing them in unicode.

Also notice that the face values of all cards are one character long, except for 10 which is two characters. So you should always print the card's face value right-justified to two spaces (meaning, add an extra space in front of every face value except for 10).

Here are some example runs for this part:

(Remember, seed 0 means no shuffling should occur, so the above cards are ordered from 102, the 2 of clubs, up to 414, the ace of spades.)

Blackjack Hands Chart

Start by copying your shuffle.c (which should work perfectly!) to a new file deal.c. You'll start in the same way, asking for a seed value and shuffling the deck, but then instead of printing out the deck you will deal cards to a Player and a Dealer as follows:

  • First each player gets two cards. Deal these cards in this order: first player, then dealer, then player's second card, then dealer's second card.

  • Next, repeatedly ask the player whether they would like to hit (h) or stand (s). As long as they ask to hit, deal the next card into the player's hand.

  • Next, deal two cards into the dealer's hand, one at a time. (As in, assume for now that the dealer 'hits' two times and then 'stands'.)

  • You must print out the player's and dealer's hands exactly as shown in the examples below, before each 'decision' to hit or stand.

  • Pause for dramatic effect after each time the dealer makes a decision to 'hit' by calling sleep(2) to pause the program for two seconds. This will require #include at the top of your program.

    Specifically, your program should pause just before it prints the dealer's decision as 'Dealer hits.' or 'Dealer stands.'.

    HINT: Your program needs to do the sleep(2) when you submit it, but that might be annoying while you are debugging! Feel free to use a variable so you can easily change between actually sleeping and not.

Always deal cards from the top of the deck - which in our case means the end of the array. In other words, the last card that would have been printed by your shuffle program should be the first one that goes into the Player's hand.

You will probably want to store an array for the player's hand and for the dealer's hand, and write some nice functions so your main stays nice and simple…

Here are some example runs:

Start by copying your deal.c program (which should work perfectly at this point!) to a new file play.c. You will now complete what's necessary to play an actual game of Blackjack!

The scoring for Blackjack mostly involves adding up the points in each player's hand. Whoever gets closer to 21 without going over wins. Going over 21 is called 'going bust' and it means you lose. The points per card are as follows:

  • 2 through 10 are worth the number of points as their face value says they are.
  • Jack, Queen, and King are always worth exactly 10 points.
  • Ace can be either 'high' for 11 points, or 'low' for 1 point. When calculating a hand's score, you first try making the first Ace count as 11, unless that would cause the total to go over 21 and 'bust'. If so, count the Aces as 1.

When Dealer Hits In Blackjack Games

So for example the points for the hand Q♠ 9♥ would be 19, pretty good. The points for 7♥ A♥ would be 18, since counting the Ace as 11 doesn't make it go over 21. But the points for 8♥ A♥ J♠ A♣ is 20, counting both aces as 1's.

Now that you understand the scoring rules, here's how your game should work:

  • Start by getting the seed value, shuffling, and dealing the first two cards to the player and the dealer just like before. Except, don't print out the dealer's second card, to keep the player guessing, until after the player's turn is over. You should still add it to the dealer's hand, but print it out as ** until the player's turn is over.

  • Before asking the player whether they want to hit or stand, first calculate the total points in their hand. If it's over 21, then print the message Player busts! and move on to the dealer. Otherwise let them keep hitting or standing until they go bust or decide to stand.

  • The dealer isn't allowed to make their own decisions. Instead, they follow three rules:

    1. If the player busted, the dealer should just stand.
    2. If the dealer has 17 or more points, the dealer stands.
    3. Otherwise, the dealer will take a hit.
  • Continue with the dealer's rules until the dealer busts or stands, each time pausing for dramatic effect with sleep(2) as before.

  • When both turns are over, print out the player's and the dealer's final score, and then print out who won. Remember, winning means that your opponent busted, or you got closer to 21 than they did.

  • In case of a tie game with neither player nor dealer busting, print the message 'Push! Play again.' and start a new game, continuing until either Player or Dealer wins.

    NOTE: Before starting the next game, you should get a fresh deck (in the same default order as you started), and then shuffle it again. But be sure to not call srand again, so that it is shuffled in a different order the second time around!

Here are some example runs of this version:

No credit will be given for this part until the rest works perfectly. Copy your program to a new file extra.c.

Believe it or not, there are still a number of aspects of the game of Blackjack as it's truly played, that we have failed to incorporate, such as:

  • Casinos usually combine 7 decks to deal from, to thwart card counters.
  • Each game should involve some betting. First, you have to ante a certain amount, say $5. After seeing thier two cards and the dealer's 1, the player can fold and lose their $5, or play at the cost of another $5. After playing normally, the player either loses all $10 to the dealer, or wins back their $10 plus an additional $10 if they win that hand. (In the case of a push, you get your money back.)
  • You might keep playing multiple games in a row, keeping track of your total winnings or losings.
  • Perhaps there could be multiple players?
  • Or some other feature I haven't thought of?

This part is open-ended! Improve your game by adding some of the functionality described above, or something else that you think of. (If it's not listed above, you probably want to run the idea by your instructor first.)

If you complete this part, be sure to document clearly in comments at the top of your extra.c program what your extra functionality is and how it works!

The entire game of blackjack is based around the two words 'Hit me'. All of the strategy and logic in the game comes down to whether or not you want to get another card added on top of your first two cards. Remember, the goal of blackjack is to either make the dealer bust, hit 21 yourself, or have a higher number than the dealer ends up with.

Most of the variance in the game comes from the idea of hitting or standing when you either get another card dealt to you, at risk of busting, or stay where you are, and risk the dealer beating you. This is a complex decision making process, and it's important to know how to approach it.

This page details all of the methods you can use to understand when to hit or stand, and at the end, you can find a chart explaining why. Casino poker rules texas holdemem 2nd high card. Let's jump right into it with a discussion of the dealer's up card and why that matters.

Knowing When To Hit Or Stand - The Dealer's Up Card

Understanding the implications of the dealer's up card is very important. Basically, you get to see one of the dealer's cards, and that allows you to make some guesses as to what number they are at, and what their decision making process will be. The higher the dealer's up card, the more likely the player is to want to hit, as a general rule. This is because, once again, the goal is to beat the dealer - to get the closest to 21 without going over. The card you see tells you a lot about the range of possibilities they could have. For example, if you see a 2, you know that their total is relatively low, and if you have a decent total, it could be correct to stand. That's the basics of understanding a dealer's up card, but there's so much more to understand what the process is behind choosing to stand.

When To Stand In Blackjack

The basic idea of when you want to stand in blackjack is when you have a pretty good idea that your total is pretty close to 21, you don't want to risk going over, and you want to put the onus on the dealer to beat your total. This tends to mean that you want to start seriously considering standing at around 17 total. The idea here is that, unless you can see an ace from the dealer, you're fairly likely to have more than them at this point, given the amount of times cards that are worth more than 7 appear in the deck. If you have 19, you're always standing, for example. You're likely to bust if you hit, and it's relatively hard to beat. The rules for this are fairly fluid so understand them well.

When To Hit In Blackjack

The basic idea behind when you want to hit in blackjack is twofold. First, you want to hit when you aren't in much danger of going over or busting. Second, you want to hit when you need to beat a decent dealer total. This means that if you have a middling hand, let's say 15, you'll want to stand if the dealer's face up card is fairly low, but hit if the dealer's face up card is higher. This is because you can extrapolate the range of possible outcomes from the dealer's face up card, and understand when you need to hit, and when you need to stand. There's a lot of math that goes into this, but you can play by intuition as well. Remember, the goal of the game is to beat the dealer without going over - and that's devilishly simple, but devilishly tricky as well.

When Does The Dealer Have To Hit In Blackjack

The basic rules that most dealers follow, across the board, are determined to their mathematical advantage over years of study and play. The dealer will always hit on anything below a 16 total. This is why, when you have a 17, you tend to consider staying - you have something fairly close to what they tend to stay at. This can get a little more complex when people start considering aces, which allow the concept of hard and soft 17s to enter the equation, but that's mostly a discussion for a different page. Suffice to say, the basic rule they follow is that they will hit anything that is a 16 total or below.

When Does The Dealer Have To Stay In Blackjack

Dealers in blackjack follow strict rules - rules that are designed for them to play as optimally as possible against you. The basic idea behind most of them is to optimize their mathematical odds at victory. For this reason, almost all dealers will stand when their total is 17 or above. As before, aces throw a bit of a wrench into this equation, but there is a lot of grey area in Blackjack. The basic rule they follow is to stand on 17 because that puts the onus on you to beat a 17, which is pretty hard to do without going over.

Hit Or Stand Cheat Sheets

Here is a very basic legal blackjack hit or stand cheat sheet. Remember that the math changes depending on which type of blackjack you're playing, so make sure you understand what's going on in each variant you play.

Your HandUp Card

broken image